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wellcome to bali

even though small the wide range of bali is approximetaly 5.000 square kilometer in all.divided in 9 regency from west to east:jembrana ,buleleng,tabanan,badung,denpasar,gianyar,bangli,kelungkung and karangasem. bali island also serrounded by small island such as nusa lembongan,nusa ceningan, nusa panida,serangan,and menjangan.which are wet orrainy season accur from novembert to march and dry season for the rest of year.rains usually fall in short period so most of the year will be warm,so should use light clothes and dress cassually.
During your trip from the airport  to your hotel,you might find beutiful things happening on the street or sometime at the family house temple.don,t forget tro always bring your camera where ever you go, since you will never know what you will see enytime you step your feet on this beautiful island.in everydaylife of balinesethere always be offering and ceremony to their god in different function and different level  of offering in places of their activity. once step in to your hotel you might see a small offering an the ground in front of the hotel or at the front of hotel gate. but you will see many variation,type and colour of other level of offering so spare your time to hunt some of them.
if we talk about affering we will also talk about temples which bali also know as the island of thousand temples, don,t be surprise if you see many temples everywhere,for sure at your hotel there must be a small temple at one corner. at every house of balinese family for sure you will be see them. temples in bali also has different name ,level,and function.some of them you may see at each houses is the family temple,which will be always honor by that family only.once you go  to a bigger temple at public place the member will be wider than just a family in a community. temples in bali also has on diferent place, almost everywhere,they are temples on cliffs,on lake ,river,on sea on rock on the hill.on the top of the mountain,by the river.temple with hollywater on cave and on small island or on rice field and forest.and who knows you fine other more temples in unimaginable place.start your adventure to find one of them and shere them with me.
After you know about temples location thand you will see the ceremony happening on those temple. some temple also completed by sacred attraction that only happening during the special festifal only. if you enter a temple festival  don,t forget in how you dress up, just try be decent,use what balinese use for their ceremony at least you always have sarong and the sash at your bag, so anytime you see a temple festival happening you never feel hasitate to look closer.and offcourse you have to ask to the pople on location,if it alright for u to have closer looks,who know you and up being invite by the villager to join the ceremony and become the member of the activity they are doing. al;so don,t forget for those  of you especialy the female whe have their period is not allowed to enter the temple.also there,s a rule for those who just have  a family member that pass away also not allowed to enter the  temple  for cartain time depend on how close is the relation to the person who just died,so you have to be awere of this.

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